Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yated's Pidyun Shivuim ?

The Yated is spearheading a campaign and trying to raise funds they claim for Pidyun Shivuim of Shalom Rubashkin. (Mail to 53 Olympia in Monsey, NY).

With a thank you to Sholom Rubashkin-What kind of Pidyon Shivoium? he isn't in jail. There are so many others lingering in jails, what about a pidyun shivoium for them?

Why don't they raise funds for the Bochurim in Japan?

What did the Yated's editor/owner learn from his interview with Rush Limbaugh?

The Yated ran numerous advertisements, ads, articles etc for Rubashkin's Arons, AGRI, etc with promises of some sort of payment, which never materialized.

So the next best is to run a Pidyun Shivuim campaign for Shalom Rubashkin, now there is funds in the Yated account.

Lubavitch is also raising funds for the same cause, did he get educated at his Pesach Lubavitch retreat?


  1. nebech, you mamash can't fargin pinny. Shame on you , you're so jealous.

  2. Pinny,Aaron, Benny, Hissiger, Zucker, Schron, and all the rest of them are not farginners-nemen yenems? a bisil bisha iz nishn faranin?

  3. pinny is a self-centered selfish jerk, who has not seen the inside of a bais medrash in 25 years.
    nisht nur dus, but he does not step into shul from shabbos to shabbos. he come into rabbi levitans shul, gets drunk, and sleeps until tuesday when he starts to write his moronic editors view. then its back to sleep until shabbos morning.

    once a month he goes to israel to get his monthly stamp of approval from rabi david abuchatzera and red kenig from tzefas.

    not bad. the guy is a litvak who swears by reb elya svei, claims everything he dos is with daas torah, then runs to his sefardi and breslov rabbis.

    is this guy nuts?

    hey pinny, whats with the tichayles on your tzitzis? did reb elya wear them too?

    its high time this is put to an end.
