Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wow! Hakoras Hatov?

We were pleasantly surprised to see the outpouring of Hakoras Hatov (from the ruling class) to Reb Shlomie Kohn (of LC/BF fame). We thought Reb Shneur Zatzal, took that virtrue with him. We guess there are exceptions. Some saner minds decided to grab Reb Shlomeh & take him back to his hometown, before he gets too deeply involved.


  1. So far, Jeff Williamson was arrested in the big raid today. Let's see who else.

  2. Even if he does a canary, it's his word only.
    There was one raid in North Jersey at a biggies house & he was not indicted. He is close with Menendez, & Corzine mught be in hot water. Christie might just take over without a fight. Corzine might have some brush from the Goldman Sachs days.

    They must have a Senator in the crosshairs.

  3. It's been a l-o-o-o-o-o-on-n-n-n-n-ng-g-g-g-g vacation. We need you guys bach NOW !!

  4. Still on vacation?!?!?
    Lets get some news.
    Lets hear the truth.
