Monday, January 18, 2010

In the yeshiva world-Lakewoods history in the making

The Vaad has lost its respect, rightfully or wrongly. Rav Steinman was misled like everyone else. What's with the big geneivah at Rav Steinmans house?

The Igud is still trying to get in with the Governor, The Vaad is blocking it.

The Lac is learning the ropes? not too well.

All of the Moisdois, Igud, are trying to wrestle the Hebrew day school for themselves.


  1. Is this for real? Who tells you all this stuff??

  2. Boruch M'chayeh Maisim.
    We glad your back from vacation.
    Keep posting something so we know you did'nt give up.
    Thank You

  3. Welcome back!! Go get em!

  4. Sounds like a Sad state of affairs in Lakewood
