Saturday, May 9, 2009

You must attend BMG's may 20th event.

Can one deduct the higher Lakewood tax-rate ($700.00) per tax payer, less for renters from his donation? Ask your posek!

Yes, you must attend the annual BMG's galla event on May 20th.

Yes, even if you have justifiable animosity to them, you must attend.

Yes, you must attend even if you are convinced they have an inferiority complex.

Yes, you must attend even if you believe that the complex causes their control freakness.

They will grow out of it, so yes, you must attend & help them grow out of it.

Yes, convince your chaveirim (especially the ones that are reluctant) to attend the event.

Yes, even if there are traffic jams, you'll get more s'char.


  1. I'll just come up with some reason not to go, I feel we were let down and we are being ignored to say it mildly.

    It's all about power, control, money, etc

  2. We gave then enough money through the taxes, they are the only ones that benefit in dollars & cents, and they don't even pay taxes.

    Twice to give?
    We are drained-

  3. How do you figure only $700.00 per taxpayer?
    We are paying $7,000.00 - $10,000.00 in taxes.

    It's a lot more than just 8-10%.

  4. If you count all of the Exempt properties even the ones they are entitled to-It's a lot of dollars.
    The Cedarbrige property & the sale to Somerset of Pine river, first it's seniors then it's changed to some other development.
    The hand outs of tax dollars from the Board of Ed to Schi, Kanerak, Rosenbaum, etc. all our tax dollars. Oh of course the BOE Attorney with his $$.
    And BP printers with all of their Township dollars & parking garage, and, and, etc.
    Benny Hineman knows how to fill his pockets.
    All of the builders know they get everything approved as long as certain ones are taken care of.
    Kanarek & his friends all know how to bilk the taxpayers.
    The list can go on & on.
    The Vaad & the Igud Moisdos is only in order to take your dollars and

    They came to a point that they aren't even ashamed of anything anymore.
    Maybe the LAC?
    These old timers will bring them also under their wing. There is plenty to share & go around.
