Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Title 1 misapropiated school funds

Some Title 1 checks will expire in a few hours, and will not be able to be cashed or deposited.

The Moisdois that will lose those desperatly needed funds can blame Boruch, Mechel & the Honorable BOE Attorney Michael.

They say blame the BMG Vaad.

He says, They say, etc

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Bais-Faiga/Cheder Vaad football

Wow these guys know how to play football, world politics could learn a few moves from them.

The BF/Chdr VAAD says to BMG "you made a deal with Mannes who we hired, now he's out-the BF/Chdr Vaad will find a replacement".

The Vaad of BF/Chdr says we are not resigning and we are NOT giving BMG any say in the operation "BMG has no say in the operation of either one of the Moisdos".

So you BMG obligated yourselves to pay all of the BF/Chdr's outstanding debt of millions, and paying B. Mannes a million-Thanks.

Wow! the Bf/Chdr Vaad knows how to play football with the machers.

Aaron says to Gedaliah and the rest of them "I told you, let's get out before we leave wounded in battle".

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You must attend BMG's may 20th event.

Can one deduct the higher Lakewood tax-rate ($700.00) per tax payer, less for renters from his donation? Ask your posek!

Yes, you must attend the annual BMG's galla event on May 20th.

Yes, even if you have justifiable animosity to them, you must attend.

Yes, you must attend even if you are convinced they have an inferiority complex.

Yes, you must attend even if you believe that the complex causes their control freakness.

They will grow out of it, so yes, you must attend & help them grow out of it.

Yes, convince your chaveirim (especially the ones that are reluctant) to attend the event.

Yes, even if there are traffic jams, you'll get more s'char.