Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is it taking its toll?

The Bais Faiga / Cheder including registration is taking its toll on many of the individuals involved. It is affecting them peronally.

It may be time to face the hard facts on the ground. The sooner that it's laid to rest, the more face saving & respect is generated. You sometimes must bite the ......

There is internal bickering & some depression is evident.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We are interested in someone that is familiar with kashrus in general.
Not necessarily Lakewood, Monsey, Brooklyn, etc but in general.
Topics, incidents, expertise, reliability, etc

We are at this time allowing comments without strict moderation, so feel free to comment.
Please keep comments to the Posts' issue, unless you have an interest in an additional topic to be posted.

Please be aware, we do not check comment moderation frequently, so don't post again the same comment.


Every once in a while another Bais Din pops up in Lakewood, New Jersey. Now there is one specializing in gitten, chalitza, geirus, etc. Is that some indication that there is a special high incident community that requires the specialties? Or is it that they are questioning the expertise of some that have mingled in those areas previously?

Is the same with the Choshen Mishpat issues as well? realizing and questioning the prior ones as to their expertise, or is it that the community is growing and the need is increasing?

Any one have any personal experience with the Lakewood Bais-Dins to indicate one way or another?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cheder-Bais Faiga

After Reb Leib Steinman's clear directive, there is still more back door manuvering in attempting to overcome the standstill.

The more time that goes by & the current administration remains in full control, it weakens the others in all other areas in the Yeshiva and other local issues.

The sooner that they face reality, and break with the hope.....the sooner the respect will be earned. Rav Steinman's vision was for everyones benefit, no one lost.

What was the end with the Bais Faiga / Cheder issue?

Rav Shteinman, Shlita was visited by prominent persons re: the issues.

Any one know the results? the attendees?

Were Tabak and Shimmy Glick there as well?

Now Rav Yosef Rosenblum is being pressured to back away from his previous backing of Manes over all the years. They need something to ease off the order from Rav Leib Shteinman.

The Mashgiach was asked to come out with a statement re : the Registration, etc- He refused.
It lit a fuse by some.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Recall Lakewoods Mayor-Robert Singer

It is time to start the process of a recall on the Mayor of Lakewood "Senator Robert Singer".

If we wait too long, it will be too late.

Does the Mayor deceive Lakewood Taxpayers?

Is the Mayor selling us out with the Lakewood budget?

Does the Mayor still have an overstaffed ineffecient Inspection Department?

Does the Mayor still allow all the departments to fluff & receive raises in this economy?

Does the Mayor allow and encourage the Lakewood EMS First Aid squad to rip off our tax dollars?

How many paid non-volunteers does Lakewood have?
At what cost to the Taxpayers?
Compare that to any other Township.

The list can keep on going...

Before the Mayor bankrupts Lakewood-let justice be done-Recall the Mayor.

Organize other fellow tax-payers.