Friday, March 27, 2009


Every once in a while another Bais Din pops up in Lakewood, New Jersey. Now there is one specializing in gitten, chalitza, geirus, etc. Is that some indication that there is a special high incident community that requires the specialties? Or is it that they are questioning the expertise of some that have mingled in those areas previously?

Is the same with the Choshen Mishpat issues as well? realizing and questioning the prior ones as to their expertise, or is it that the community is growing and the need is increasing?

Any one have any personal experience with the Lakewood Bais-Dins to indicate one way or another?


  1. with more bais dins you can pick & choose, not all of them pasken the same way on all issues.

  2. There is a Golden Egg Company that sells eggs in all Jewish areas. It's alledged that the owner is going against a psak bais din in befreinding & appearing in court with one that has a lo tzais dinah. for more information see

  3. simple answer: Bais Din=$$$$$$$$
    its just another biz opening up in town!

    BTW to yudel shain - get a life!!

  4. yudel, give up on your stupid games!
