Friday, March 27, 2009


We are interested in someone that is familiar with kashrus in general.
Not necessarily Lakewood, Monsey, Brooklyn, etc but in general.
Topics, incidents, expertise, reliability, etc

We are at this time allowing comments without strict moderation, so feel free to comment.
Please keep comments to the Posts' issue, unless you have an interest in an additional topic to be posted.

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  1. There is a Avrohom Birenbaum that wrote a nice kashrus article in the YATED.

    There is a Roth that wrote in the Hamodia 2 recent articles re: kashrus in Lakewood, but it doesn't seem that he realy knows what he talking about-

  2. If you want people who really know kashrus use the following method

    1. They are on a salary from a recognized kashrus agency not making ANY more or less money by what they say

    2. Their kashrus policies are developed using a consensus of poskim who write their psak down and punlish it B'rabim

    3. The NEVER bad mouth another hashgocha beyond I can't recommend it or I don't have information

    That said here are my suggestions for experts.

    a. any number of talmidei Chachomim yirei Shomayim who work as RC's for OU, Kof-K or Star-K.

    b. Any number of talmidei chachomim who work for well known broad community Vaadei kashrus in large cities such as Kehila-brooklyn, vaad of five towns, VHQ, cRc -chicago, Vaad detroit, Vaad St. Louis, Cleveland Kosher, RCC-LA, Kehila LA, MK Miami, MK montreal, cor toronto, Denver scroll K would be fine

    c. some of the best politics and silliness free information will come from the bnei torah in small yeshiveshe kehilos who have been building up kashrus organizations for example Dallas-K , HKA-houston, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, providence RI, atlanta Ga, savannah GA, silver spring MA etc....

  3. Of interest is the Kashrus-Magazine.
    All of their articles must go through process from the major kashrus certifiers.
    Many of their articles praising certain food establishments are always followed by ads from those establishments.
    Should such a magazine cary any reliability?

  4. There was yesterday a kosher speech by a Rabbi Orbach at Eizikowitz. Is he related to The Aurebachs from Israel.

    They said he seemed to be well versed in what is realy going on in the kashrus arena.
