Wednesday, June 17, 2009

RE: Pine River-vote with your pocketbook




Everyone especially the SENIORS must attend the Township's planning board meeting & the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE meeting & raise the roof.-Don't take the taxpayers for a ride.

FILL UP THE AUDITORIUM, Bring your friends, neighbors (whoever they may be).

Every Lakewood Tax payer must take a position to protect their tax dollars.

Pine River Village is twisting arms to get their age restricted senior zoning changed to unrestricted age use. They forsee big dollars in their pockets.

Does the taxpayer have anything lost or gained by that change?

The Lakewood Taxpayer has lost in the recent past a few million dollars when Pine River Village originally received the parcel.

Round two: Age restricted Senior building is worth a lot less than unresticted residential development. Pine River Village is attempting to take another bite out of our tax dollars by not compensating the Lakewood Tax payers. Enrichment on the backs of the Lakewood Taxpayers is unjustified.

What can you do? place calls to every political individual to voice not your concern they don't care, but your objection to getting fleeced a second time. You must demand that a minimum of five million dollars be paid to Lakewood Township to directly reduce the budget. We don't want the money to go to a township surplus account.

Remind the politicians you intend to vote exclusively with your pocketbook, not what some self serving groups have to say. Repeat it to them enough times till they know it by heart and can repeat it to you.

You must contact all of the following;

All 5 Lakewood Township committemen.

All Planning board members.

All zoning board members.

Township Manager.

All of your friends.

All senior citizen developments.

Don't call any Vaad members, no Igud Moisdos members, no Lakewood assoc members, etc-they will all try to convince you that it's the best thing for you, that "they control your pocketbook". If any of them call you hang up on them.


  1. Why dont you post contact info.?

  2. It's done on purpose.We don't intend to change.
    Do you have a tip on something going on.

  3. not your contact info., contact info. of the officals we need to contact

  4. Unrestricted housing will generate more tax revenue than age restricted housing. Holding out for a measly $5M if it means the difference between the restriction being lifted or remaining is short sighted and small minded.

  5. We are talking about the difference in value received, which is 5 million dollars to reduce Lakewoods Budget.

    The non-restricted homeowners taxes will be an additional amount to add to the Township coffers.

    The Builder can't remain with his status quo for various economic reasons.

  6. It's not really fair to those who chose to live in an age restricted community to have that taken away from them. They don't want to have to trip over bikes left on sidewalks,have to circumvent double strollers, and have snack bags littering their streets etc. I personally, though I fit the age category, prefer living in a mixed community, agewise.

  7. Actually, the residents are 100% behind this. The project sits half completed and over half empty due to a lack of interest by potential buyers. The residents would rather live in a mixed development than a construction zone forever.

  8. I have just been informed that zucker is going in front of the township thursday the 18. We MUST get 100 guys to come down to the meeting and demand that the vaad not give it away for free

  9. The reason this blog won't be successful, is that you speak in riddles. You don't articulate your positions, you don't say anything concrete.

    Someone like me - a Lakewooder who realizes the problems and the issues, but doesn't know who you're talking about, - will get turned off from you.

  10. its very interesting that you dont allow posts that are against your agenda mr beit (liar) caffeh. hope they have a nice seat for you in gehinom.

  11. Sorry to go off topic, but I was always wondering who covers the VAADs budget, for mailings meetings etc.? if they represent the klal shouldnt they be funded by the klal?
