Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lakewood Board of Education's & Schi's attorney

The only reason the BOE & Schi's attorney is able to fleece the Lakewood taxpayers is; a Philadelphia Rosh hayeshiva always backed him. He would refuse to listen to any verifiable complaints of wrongdoing.

We wonder if he'll still back him when the legal heat is put on to the Attorney.

The same Rosh hayeshiva allowed the BMG's Co-op to be manuvered out of them & land up as the NPGS cash machine.

What will happen to the BF/LCS now that it was put into full control of.


  1. you are a rabidly delusional! Maybe your "verifiable" complaints are indeed "UNverifiable"??

  2. Even if he did nothing wrong, I'm afraid his tenure will come down like a ton of bricks, and it may have a domino effect.

  3. Waht does 'domino effect' mean?

  4. Domino=it takes a lot of other ones with it.

  5. He'll build it (his motto "at cost")& then they'll sell the houses built & they'll pay off al of the debt. He's a pro at that-Mechel will tear his hair out.

  6. FYI, SCHI and MI are in a major fight currently.

  7. We can only pray & hope that they are both sucsesful in their fight- those in the know say "It's all a shpiel by the ganovim".
