Thursday, June 25, 2009


SCHI - Don't hide behind the facade of "we only mean the Ribono-shel-Olam". SCHI pays meager wages, uses people, while they are operating with millions of our hard earned dollars, and they refuse to be independently audited.

TIME TO BRING IN A FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT- Michael will fight it, as he is their paid consultant while at the same time he also represents the BOE.

SCHI is not SHY at all to rip off the Lakewood taxpayers to the tune of millions of dollars each year. The teachers & therapists are paid measly salaries. Some are even working as volunteers. SCHI tells them we are dealing with nebech children and there isn't enough money.

SCHI is also charging exorbitant amounts to yingerleit who don't have it.

It's time to have an independent outside auditor to ascertain where every dollar is going.

We know that many dollars are going to the directors through back channels and of course to their talented attorney who is also the Lakewood Public School's attorney, who has the purse strings to the taxpayers dollars going to SCHI.

The Taxpayers are challenging SCHI & their attorney to allow an outside independent audit.


  1. I do not know where you are basing your alleged facts on. As a parent in SCHI I was never charged a dime other than the lunch program. Every Yeshiva charges those that are earning more than a certain amount for lunch, and SCHI is no different. When I could not afford to go to the dinner they offered me a generous discount.
    SCHI has also hired outside specialists to help my child at no cost to me.
    I think there is a jealosy that exixts against SCHI due to their success.
    I hope you never need them, however they are an unbelievable help to those that do.

  2. It's about time somebody spoke up about this!

  3. SCHI is & always was a well greased Organization.

    They should be willing to have an outside audit done especially that much of the funding is coming from the taxpayers of Lakewood.

  4. You know that Michael Inzelbuch will fight tooth & nail an outside audit, he will never allow it.

    The big question is why not?

    Well that's realy the answer.

  5. Heimish -

    Hello?! Do you not realize what you are saying?
    Yes, they are so helpful to you, but who is footing the enormous bill instead of you? The Lakewood taxpayer!
    Every time they give you a discount or something free - it is WE THE PEOPLE paying!
    Please stop and think for a second.

  6. We are being "fleeced" is saying it mildly.
    SCHI & Their attorney who is also the Lakewood School Board attorney "A CLEAR CONFLICT", are fleecing the Lakewood Taxpayers of their hard earned dollars.

    The Budget was turned down by the taxpayers, & the CHUTZPAH of the Board's attorney to take himself a stagerring 25% raise in his per hour fee-Is Reb Shmuel Kamenetsky backing on that as well? because this is highway robbery.

  7. Once Bitten, Twice SCHIMay 5, 2009 at 6:40 PM

    What does R' Shmuel have to do with any of this?

  8. Reb Shmuel for years, always backs Inzelbuch (obviously). No matter how much obvious corrupution & shenanigans are presented.

  9. Chaim

    That was not the discussion over here. The article indicated that teachers are getting paid measly salaries or working as volunteers. Yingeleit who do not have it are paying large amounts. Both those contentions are false and untrue.
    Regarding the fact that Lakewood taxpayers are footing the bill for my child. Yes they are, and that is tha law. Had my child gone to Public School it would of cost the township the same amount. The additional costs of outside help does not get covered by the taxes or school district it was covered by SCHI. That is why SCHI needs to fundraise, as they cover all types of needs that the school district will not pay for.
    I hope you never need them, and pray for the day that I don't, however they are a superb organization.
    BTW - You know the town pays for your childrens bussing also. There are also other benefits you get for your taxes. The average family has 4-6 kids using the bussing. Bussing costs at least $1100 per child, meaning that you are getting back most of your tax dollars that way!

  10. Heimish.
    You are being led the path of the blind that is paved with good intentions.

    The day will come when there will be an outside audit on the Lakewood Public School system.

    Then you will scream bloody murder on all of those dollars that were doled out to the machers and their cohorts, and it's in the pockets of your good friends-all on the backs of the "tzibur".

  11. Interesting that similar arganizations in other districts manage to provide similar services (and turn a profit!) without coming on to the greter community's dwindling resources...

  12. What does "Manis resigns" mean??

  13. How much money & Bbizyoinus some will spend & endure, for a liitle Kovod.

  14. "al todin es chaveircha ad shetagia limkomo". i had a child in schi and she was b"h integrated into a regular school. i cannot thank them enough for what they have done for my child, even though there was not enough funding at the time.

  15. It's amazing how crazy jealous and blind people are
    FYI michael inzelbuch does not work for schi for one second
    camera schi: you obviously dont know anything about similar organizations because there is none - any would have to be in new jersey to be compared to schi and none of those in nj do the same job and dont fundraise
    and for all those talkers who talk without doing research and then call other people blind: schi has an outside auditor every single year plus they are audited by the state regularly
    AND their staff gets paid equal to or more than others in the same field
    AND there is exactly one volunteer in the whole school
    SHAME on liars who can blaspheme based on NOTHING and obviously have no yiras shamayim

  16. They pay less, they tell their employees-have rachmunos, we don't have money for the nebeches, etc. Abusers of the $y$tem, vi iz de gelt?
    Michael is their partner, backed by Reb Shmuel, we all know why.

  17. Do you have sources for your information - before you cast such nasty accusations?

    for your info - not that you seem to care what the truth is - but michael I. happens to be one of schi's biggest enemies right now and is causing them lots of problems -
    your assumptions are pretty comical for those who know the truth!

  18. That's for show, after ripping off the taxpayers for years under the guise of?

    Michael I. is under the scope for many improper dealings re: acceptance & rejections for his & SHI's personal gains. This a legal tactic which will not work.

    The veil will be exposed.
