Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vacation time?

We are not sure we'll be able to update the site & comments over the next 2 months, due to our location. but we'll try.

BAIS HATORAH may be history?

An interesting coup at Bais Hatorah. The details up to now is well known to all.

Now there will be an empty building that once housed Bais hatorah.

BP can move into it and sell their 4th street property to Lakewood Township for millions of dollars of Lakewood tax payers hard earned dollars.

Berel Shushan says-Lakewood township watch your step-no more Hanky Panky! (BP)

Lakewood doesn't need parking for the strand theatre.

STRAND? It's only been costing lakewood taxpayers, police, traffic jams, no parking, etc.

Let the County take it over & move it to Toms river.

YATED's Avi Yishai-you must appologize

Pinny says-Bilaams Brucha of "mah toivu oihu'lecha yaakov" is refering to the prime Lakewood Real estate-as confirmed by all the builders that baganved the Tzibur & the taxpayers.

Yated's Avi Yishai must appologize to the 3 Lakewood Yungeleit that represented the silent majority. "IY'UV she'shosak nidun bi'yisurim."

It's an appology to the whole Iyir hatorah that is being bled on a constant basis, show that it hurts you as well.
To cancel YATED http://yatedneeman.com/

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Town officials Committeemen busy-don't disturb

This year fire works falls on Shabbos. The Township Officials are having meetings with all of the askonim [shenky maybe will be brought out of hybernation?] how to accomodate the "tzibur", etc.

GREED is their common denominator

If you look at most of the articles and issues we address, they are greed oriented.
The main issue we have is "keep your hands out of our pockets". WE ARE NOT TAX EXEMPT.

Rav Chaim Shmulevitz, Z"L in one of his famous shmuesen said re: Noson Hanovi & Dovid Hamelech & the "kivsah". Fregt De Rebbe....far ganvinen a shepsel kumt a psak fuun missah????

yeh- oif yenems [uhni's] cheshbon, kumt missah. a guute oif yennems cheshbon, kumt missah.

All of these greedy individuals who are keeping their hands in our pockets and deciding how to get our money into their pockets, and they have been successful at it. They got it down to a science.


SCHI - Don't hide behind the facade of "we only mean the Ribono-shel-Olam". SCHI pays meager wages, uses people, while they are operating with millions of our hard earned dollars, and they refuse to be independently audited.

TIME TO BRING IN A FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT- Michael will fight it, as he is their paid consultant while at the same time he also represents the BOE.

SCHI is not SHY at all to rip off the Lakewood taxpayers to the tune of millions of dollars each year. The teachers & therapists are paid measly salaries. Some are even working as volunteers. SCHI tells them we are dealing with nebech children and there isn't enough money.

SCHI is also charging exorbitant amounts to yingerleit who don't have it.

It's time to have an independent outside auditor to ascertain where every dollar is going.

We know that many dollars are going to the directors through back channels and of course to their talented attorney who is also the Lakewood Public School's attorney, who has the purse strings to the taxpayers dollars going to SCHI.

The Taxpayers are challenging SCHI & their attorney to allow an outside independent audit.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Tax strike? A tax revolt? many others were successful

Yes, you read it right.

Senator, Mayor, Exalted dictator, etc

Steve, you made promises that you never intended in keeping.

Meir, thanks for what you have done for Lakewood, and no thanks for what you could have done but succumbed to other interests. Some Independent might just take your seat.

Poor Chaplain Menash, something to look forward to (chaplency).

Ray Coles, staring at the walls, there is no one to work with.

OK- A tax strike will bring them to their knees-

We must end the political careers of the Senator, Mayor & his side kick Steve.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

RE: Pine River-vote with your pocketbook




Everyone especially the SENIORS must attend the Township's planning board meeting & the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE meeting & raise the roof.-Don't take the taxpayers for a ride.

FILL UP THE AUDITORIUM, Bring your friends, neighbors (whoever they may be).

Every Lakewood Tax payer must take a position to protect their tax dollars.

Pine River Village is twisting arms to get their age restricted senior zoning changed to unrestricted age use. They forsee big dollars in their pockets.

Does the taxpayer have anything lost or gained by that change?

The Lakewood Taxpayer has lost in the recent past a few million dollars when Pine River Village originally received the parcel.

Round two: Age restricted Senior building is worth a lot less than unresticted residential development. Pine River Village is attempting to take another bite out of our tax dollars by not compensating the Lakewood Tax payers. Enrichment on the backs of the Lakewood Taxpayers is unjustified.

What can you do? place calls to every political individual to voice not your concern they don't care, but your objection to getting fleeced a second time. You must demand that a minimum of five million dollars be paid to Lakewood Township to directly reduce the budget. We don't want the money to go to a township surplus account.

Remind the politicians you intend to vote exclusively with your pocketbook, not what some self serving groups have to say. Repeat it to them enough times till they know it by heart and can repeat it to you.

You must contact all of the following;

All 5 Lakewood Township committemen.

All Planning board members.

All zoning board members.

Township Manager.

All of your friends.

All senior citizen developments.

Don't call any Vaad members, no Igud Moisdos members, no Lakewood assoc members, etc-they will all try to convince you that it's the best thing for you, that "they control your pocketbook". If any of them call you hang up on them.

Brainstorming for Ideas.

It's time for others to share ideas and some creativity.

How to rid the coruption that has been plaguing Lakewood tax payers for the longest of times?

We know, Steve Langert has aspirations for higher office, so he will remain unreliable to stop the coruption.

Senator Bob, is just too good at it, it's his lifes style & hallmark, he wouldn't change - but he'll lie about it all, and the funny thing is, there many that still believe him, how ironic?

Menashe, just gave up and is keeping his feet up on the desk.

Meir, tries to go between the raindrops, and he is soaking us all none the less, without perhaps realizing that it is coruption any way you turn it. Or as others say, he just doesn't care.

Ray Coles, by himself he can't get much done.

First idea- Let's start fresh from ground zero.

1-Out with the old at election time.

2-Any one familliar with the rules of a recall for Steve and Senator Bob? that will put their political aspirations in check.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lakewood Board of Education's & Schi's attorney

The only reason the BOE & Schi's attorney is able to fleece the Lakewood taxpayers is; a Philadelphia Rosh hayeshiva always backed him. He would refuse to listen to any verifiable complaints of wrongdoing.

We wonder if he'll still back him when the legal heat is put on to the Attorney.

The same Rosh hayeshiva allowed the BMG's Co-op to be manuvered out of them & land up as the NPGS cash machine.

What will happen to the BF/LCS now that it was put into full control of.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Did he take "you" to the cleaners yet? Give him a chance.

An individual who portrays to do anything & everything for the benefit of the tzibur etc: let's see if the facts bear that out. Err-maint-nuhr-dem-ba'sheffer

He was involved in building and running the finances of the main mikva in Lakewood (11th St) and handled all of the monies. At the same time he was building a Rabeim housing on 7th & Monmouth Ave. Anybody who asked for an acounting was rebuffed. There were very strong reasons to believe that there was comingling at best.

Asking every newlywed to contribute $500.00 to the mikvah? Was an open & tranceparent accounting ever done for this mikvah. Are they overfunded by now? How many newlyweds are there in Lakewood every year? (250-300+-) Do the math.

There are now numerous Mikvahs in town, why only this one, the fund should be distributed to all of them?

All the Shop-Rite Mikvah coupons monies were also handled by the individual with no cheshbon to any one. There was strong reasons to believe that there was co-mingling at best. Thousands of dollars are unaccounted for.

Vaad Li'Hatzolas Nidchei yisroel headed by Rabbi Mordechai Neustadt: The purchase & shipping of containers of food to Russia was arranged for years by this individual with no cheshbon given to the Organization. When evidence surfaced that something is very not right, he was asked for an acounting & bills, invoices, receipts, etc. They then asked for a Din-Torah, which he weaseled out by saying "everything I did was in conjunction with Reb Matisyahu so take him to a din-torah".

All of the mikvas & houses that he constructed for Organizations & individuals were always way above estimate. Even when there were signed detailed contracts, he weasled out & pulled the extra thousands out of the poor shuls, mikvas, individuals. Buyer beware: With his track record, any one who uses him for any job, it is their own fault when they get taken to the cleaners.

The BMG co-op that was located first in the Yeshiva Apts, then in the Irvington was gotten out of BMG very slyly by this individual, er-meint-nur dem-basheffer.

He will try his sly hand at any organization he can manuever himself into. He operates strictly with no oversight, no records, no books, no receipts-madoff style. He is very capable, shrewd, etc. You'll never figure out how he comingled all the money to his benefit.

Now what can he do with the BF/LCS? Take the properties they own, get approvals, build it out, etc with the pretext to pay off all of the outstanding debt. Good question how much will be left over as his numbers mushroom. Don't forget he is building other projects at this time, so you'll never know what went to where, & he will always get the sub-contractors to write the invoice, receipt as instructed.

Oh! the list is much longer.

Any Zedokas going to his addresses don't have any assurance that the monies are going to the intended tzedokas. So beware when you are sending out a mailing utilizing his Organization, or when you are responding to a mailing, do NOT make out any checks to those Organizations controlled by him.