Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bais Feiga update-click on link

The Mashgiach's Rebetzin "oin ben pelles" doesn't want him involved in Bais Feiga nor in all of the issues the Hanhollah did not originally hire him for. She would rather they move to eretz Yisroel.

Reb Eliya Z"L addressed the Mashgiachs worldly endeavors just after the Mashgiach came to Lakewood, he said "there are enough issues in the Yeshiva that must be addressed, etc". the same with the rest of the Hanholah of BMG.

Aaaron on the other hand is ready to throw in the towel on the Beis Feiga episode, it was a bad dream. The Board wants to hang on "Kovod Hatorah" is at stake is what they say.

Aaaron says the longer it prolongs, they are loosing the oilum from within and from without.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

picking a new VAAD?

The old VAAD vanished into thin air.

There was failed attempt to revive, but Gonzalez passesd on to oblivion and Silver plugged in his own cord.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bais Eliyahu moving to Princeton Avenue?

Bais Eliyahu Chaburas are being told to move to the Princeton Avenue public school building.

The Bais Eliyahu will be occupied by this zmans 450 "new" Talmidim.

It's important to the new talmidim to be near the main campus.

Will the Bais Eliyahu Chaburas move there easily or at all, time will tell.

This move is being felt by some as being "pushed out", as they are some of the old timers that may be encouraged to move on.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lakewood Board of Education

The Board of Education Election is on Tuesday-
The Budget must be defeated- VOTE NO!

The 3 members to vote for-

1-Grunhut wasn't too bad (not too good either)
2-Miccio-wasn't too bad-not too good either. Silver is a better candidate.
3-Hasenfeld is a newcomer that has his focus on the dollars, to lower the School budget.

The Vaad & Lakewood Association Coalition are saying to vote NO on the School budget. Of course publicly they have to say......

The Lakewood Association Coalition may be finally realizing they were taken for the Vaad & the Lakewood Township's Mayor.

Are the Lakewood taxpayers getting ripped off by the Board of Education and their Attorney? Sure.

The secret is out-It's been going on for years and the Taxpayers did nothing about it.

Any one have any solutions? It is 60% of our tax dollars.

Any one know what is "a tax-revolt"?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lakewood Township hit the Jackpot $$$$$

Looking at the dollars being thrown around, you would never believe that there is an economic crisis in Lakewood.

All the new & leased vehicles at the upgraded inspection department with construction down and running at a deficit. (Senator Singer said "we will lay off at least half and cut more than half of their budget"-so he lied again).

All of the PUBLIC WORKS vehicles with their spit shine equipment. (Senator Singer said...Oh so he lied again)

The Assessor's office expenses...(Senator Singer said....Oh....)

The non-bid purchasing and hiring by the Lakewood Township..... (Senator Singer said...., Oh.....)

The Seniors were told...Don't file appeals en masse and we'll reward you by the reassessment.....

All of the Police Departments raises, expenditures, etc the sky is the limit.

The unheard of Township Health benefits, and the employees don't have to share in the costs.

All over the Country Union are told we are looking and expecting give backs and we are freezing all raises- not Lakewood Township.

All with the blessing of Lakewood's Vaad, BMG, Lakewood Association Coalition, etc.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What is the solution to the Lakewood financial issues caused, generated and fueled by Township officials, Township Departments, Special interest groups, etc.???


Many areas in the country are starting tax revolts, recalls on elected officials, bringing coruption out to the open, etc.

Talk to your friends, neighbors, etc

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lakewood Association Coalition = LAC

The LAC was taken to the cleaners.

Their hype and pomp, etc didn't get them to first base.

They don't know how to......with seasoned politicians.

One of their mistakes was to believe any of them.

Is it water over the bridge? almost.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lakewood Township Committeemen

Deputy Mayor Lichtenstein is the Liason to the Police Dept. So you figured out why the police are so agresive in giving tickets.
The deputy Mayor writes articles in the Lakewood Shopper & the voice trying to justify how the taxpayer & the residents are being taken for a joy ride.

The Askan Menashe Miller, we don't hear from him lately. He must have figured out that with Senator Singer driving the steam-roller...he's staying out.

The newest member on the Township Committee, joined forces with the senior Senator-If you can't beat him, join him...

It toto we are in the quick sand box.