Monday, April 13, 2009

Lakewood Association Coalition = LAC

The LAC was taken to the cleaners.

Their hype and pomp, etc didn't get them to first base.

They don't know how to......with seasoned politicians.

One of their mistakes was to believe any of them.

Is it water over the bridge? almost.


  1. please give us more info on this. thanks!

  2. The LAC aren't experienced in dealing with the political arena.

    They believe promises, they still accept as facts things that are blatantly false.

    The politicians includes the Vaad.

    They throw them a bone & mislled them them on all other issues.

    In short young & gullible & inexperienced...

  3. The LAC was in over their head to begin with and lost all credibility and political capital when they tried to position themselves as a Vaad alternative (highly publicized pre-dinner tour of SCHI, official endorsement for school board candidate, BMG rabbanim/askanim melave malkah, etc.).

  4. seems Aaron is "making nice" to LAC. if this is true, the LAC is no better off then the VAAD - if Aaron is in bed with any organization - it is guaranteed to become corrupt! We are all suckers… were like sheep to the slaughter.
