Sunday, April 26, 2009

picking a new VAAD?

The old VAAD vanished into thin air.

There was failed attempt to revive, but Gonzalez passesd on to oblivion and Silver plugged in his own cord.


  1. Aron Kotler knew it's coming. In the past few months he took a back seat position and left it to Benny & Weisberg.The few meetings with the politicians was just.

    He has nothing to revive, he sowed,reaped and is enjoying the harvest.

    It's hard to just keep on getting klobbered.

  2. The Oilum is pushut lost, no Shenkelofski, no Aron, no Vaad, at least we have the coffee room, hatzola purta.
    Velvel said if he doesn't get Gonzalez in-he's leaving the Vaad-He was told we are willing to take your resignation with a smile.

    Aron said no silver, no hasenfeld- now what?

  3. The Mashgiach is laughing to the bank, his Rebetzin saved him.
    Perhaps Rabbi Y. Rosenbloom can save the day.

  4. dont worry about Aaron. hes got the LAC in his back pocket.

  5. He is using the LAC as a puppet and being very succsesful at it.

    They are acting as cheer leaders, stirring up the crowds for Aron & co.
